Harker Schoology Chrome Extension

A Chrome extension that adds awesome features to Schoology, made specifically for Harker students.
By Aarav Borthakur and Aarush Vailaya



Click here to download the extension files (can take up to ten seconds to wake up app). Unzip the download.

Go to chrome://extensions/ and enable developer mode from to top right of your screen, to the right of the search bar.

Drag the unzipped folder to the page, and that’s it! You have the extension installed!


To view your schedule and zoom links, hit your profile picture on the top right of any Schoology page. You must be signed in with your Harker email for this to work. Hit “schedule” or “zoom links” in the dropdown menu. On your first time on your schedule page, you will be asked to login to Schoology again.

To see overdue assignments, enter a course’s page and look to the right of your screen. The overdue assignments should appear above the “upcoming”.

To see lunch, look to the top of any Schoology page, next to the search button. Hit the lunch button, and you will be directed to the week’s lunch.

Bugs and Feature Requests

Please email good.aarav@gmail.com for bug reports and feature requests.


You can view and install previous releases here.


This utility is completely open source! The source code can be found here. Feel free to contribute!